Lent Season.

I love to cook and try new recipes, but sometimes, I hate it when my house smells like food. For the past couple of days, I've been on this curry kick. I made a Thai Coconut Curry with Tilapia dish and just yesterday, I made a Indian curry with Cauliflower and Tofu. Both were super yum and I for sure will be adding these two entree's into our dinner rotations. 

These recipes have been a sweet introduction for what I gave up for Lent: red meat. This year, I've decided to participate in Lent this year. It's been years since I've done Lent and for the first time, it's something I want to do on my own without feeling the need to do it just because.  

For 40 days, I'll be munching on vegetables, fish, chicken, and yes, pork! Hey, it's a white meat, right? I'm kinda excited about this challenge as I want to see if I can do it. I know it's going to be hard as I love me some In n' Out burgers, but hey... it's only for 40 days. What I'm really hoping to gain out of this Lent sacrifice is to hold off on red meat for the long run. 

 My mom recently had to undergo an angio procedure and they found some blockage in her left main artery and had to put in two stents. It really hit home as she's only 63 years old. I've known heart disease runs in my family on both sides. All of my dad's uncles and aunties including his mother died from heart attacks and they were all under the age of 65. So, yes, having to see my mom go through her stent placement has made me take a double take on the foods I consume. It really makes me think twice now when it comes to eating certain foods and the way I take care of myself. 



The Green Girl said...

I'm sorry to hear your mom had to undergo that procedure but I'm glad they caught it in time.

I know what you mean about thinking twice.

janetha @ meals and moves said...

Best of luck with your Lent goals! It is good that you are thinking twice about your health.. awesome inspiration. I wish my dad would eat healthier all the time!

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