4 Months and Counting.

Shouldn't have drank that heaping cup of green tea at midnight last night. It sounded like a great idea at the time after reading that one of my friends on Facebook was enjoying her cup of tea. But, boy did I really pay for it for the next 3 hours throughout the night. I freakin' couldn't sleep and on top of that, I had huge excitement vibes going through me in hopes of getting up at 0600 to run.

By the time 0300 rolled around, I knew that there was just no way I was going to wake up at 0600. Oh, but I did because my cramps were really bad this morning. So bad that I layed in a fetal position and just cried silently. I was so disappointed that I couldn't go for a run this morning and be able to feel the crisp air hitting my face and body. Being able to run while it's still peaceful outside before the hustle and bustle of people getting into their cars and taking off to work. So, with that, I'm going to go this evening. Going to do a 4 miler around the good ole' hood.

I need to start seriously training because......

It's 4 months till the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco. This will be my very first {half} marathon I will be participating in. Heck, this will be my first marathon ever! So, I finally sat down and planned out my runs for this week. It was a bit tricky because I work night shift coupled with the fact that this coming weekend is my weekend ON which means that I'll be working 4 nights in a row.

Here's my plan.

Tuesday: 4 Mile
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 4 Mile
Friday: 4 Mile
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest
Monday: 8 Mile
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 4 Mile
Thursday: 10 Mile

Total Mileage: 34 Miles.

Thinking about just signing up for a 5K in Elk Grove, CA. It's their Run 4 Independence Day Run and it looks like a cool flat loop. The cost is $25 and it'll give me a little peep as to how marathons are.


Anonymous said...

Ugh, I hate when that happens - you're all happy sipping away and the next thing you know you're tossing and turning in bed. So frustrating.

Congratulations on training for your very first half marathon! Whoo hoo! I really want to do the Nike Women's one day.

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